Support our community (Donate Now, Donate Tax “Smart”, or Set up a Legacy Donation)
We are planting and promoting a healthy community.
Donate to help provide the many benefits of trees to our neighborhoods and community.
Lafayette, Indiana has a sizable urban forest today. The trees along the streets, in parks, in urban woods, around businesses, in individual yards, and other places make up our urban forest. The urban forest provides oxygen to breathe, cooling during the summer, cleans the air, and reduces noise. It provides indirect benefits of reducing crime, reducing stress, contributes to better health, reduces flooding, reduces the effects of climate change, and increases property values. Best of all, trees are beautiful.
As large as our urban forest is today, it needs to be increased to provide the benefits needed today and to reduce global climate change effects in the future. Tree Lafayette has contributed to the urban forest by planting over 4,000 trees but much more needs to be done. Tree Lafayette promotes a healthy community by providing education, leadership, and inspiration in planting and caring for trees. We accomplish our mission by planting and maintaining trees, providing educational resources, providing adult education, providing education in 3rd grade school classes, promoting the value of trees, and encouraging others to plant trees.
We must think about the future and plant trees now. Your support is crucial to us to be able to provide a sustainable urban forest that provides the benefits needed by our community.
Ways to Support Our Community:
- Donate now (one-time or recurring). – (click Here to find out more)
- Donate tax “smart” ways. – (click Here to find out more)
- Leave a legacy gift for future generations. – (click Here to find out more)
- Two easy ways to help Tree Lafayette when shopping. – (click Here to find out more)
- Support the Tree Lafayette Endowment Fund. – (click Here to find out more)
Donate now. Make a one-time donation or to set up a recurring monthly donation.
To make a one-time cash donation or to set up a recurring donation online using PayPal, a debit card, or a credit card, click the Donate Now button below. Consider monthly donations as it is easier on the budget and convenient. For example, $15 per month is only 50 cents a day or $30 per month is only 1 dollar a day.
- Or, mail a check to the following address:
- Tree Lafayette, 1915 Scott Street, Lafayette, IN 47904
Make Tax “Smart” Donations
Supporters can also choose to give a grant from Donor Advised Funds, make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA, or give appreciated stock. These methods are usually more “tax-smart” than giving cash. Click here for more info.
- Donor-Advised Funds – Preserves wealth. Donor gets tax benefits when it is set up
- Stock Gifts – Reduce income taxes and avoid capital gains
- Qualified Charitable Distribution from Your IRA – Reduces tax burdens (even if donor does not itemize), preserves post-tax wealth, reduces taxable required minimum distributions
Leave a legacy. Learn how you can make a commitment to the community and the future of trees in Lafayette.
Long live your values, your love of trees, and your love of the Earth.
I want future generations to be able to thrive and to continue to enjoy the many benefits of trees in Lafayette. Lafayette is a beautiful city with the trees growing.
Click Here to see more information about legacy/planned giving.
Everyone should have a Will and an Estate Plan. Click Here for helpful general information on Wills and Estate Plans.
Two easy ways to help Tree Lafayette when shopping
#1 Do you shop at Payless/Kroger? Sign up for Payless/Kroger Community Rewards. Earn money for Tree Lafayette when you use your Payless/Kroger loyalty card.
To initially set it up to link your rewards card to Tree Lafayette. Go to Go to My Account and click on Community Rewards. Then click on Change Organization and search for “Tree Lafayette” or UK201. Click on Enroll for Tree Lafayette.
Then each time you shop at Payless/Kroger, use your rewards card and automatically earn money for Tree Lafayette.
#2 Do you shop at Walmart? Use Spark Good Program?
Sign up at Designate “Lafayette Tree Fund” as your charity. Participate in monetary “Round Up” donations each time at checkout.
​Support the Tree Lafayette Endowment Fund
The yield from the endowment fund provides Tree Lafayette with lasting annual support for tree maintenance and care.
If you wish to support the Tree Lafayette Endowment, make your check payable to the Community Foundation of Greater Lafayette and write Tree Lafayette in the memo line. Send your check to CFGL, 300 Main St., #100, Lafayette, IN 47901.